Writing Assignment

What is expected from this writing assignment?

300 page essay, which is referred to as blog post which uses the concepts mentioned in this course.

Rubric for Peer Assessment

  • Content

Is this blog an imaginative, interesting and engaging post that relates to the point of grammar?

  • Structure

Is this a cohesive, coherent post?

  • Style

Does this post have a clever and appropriate use of words?

  • Grammar

Does this post show an excellent command of grammar?

  • Punctuation

Does this post have an excellent command of punctuation?

Why I can write a sentence, but I can’t tell you how I wrote it?

<I thought I knew how to use nouns, verbs and adjectives.

>I thought I knew how to use nouns, verbs, and adjectives.

Oxford commas or serial commas are emphasized as part of this writing.

Grammatical knowledge is concerned with sentence formation, whereas grammatical ability regards the complete text as the object of focus.

In the 1970s, it was thought that the tradional forms of intruction bored students, stifled creativity, and, frankly, did not improve the quality of their writing.

Question: What is meant by avoiding passive voice?

Shall I compare a colon to a semicolon.

One announces or introduces and the other links.