P1L6: Top Down Parsing: LL Parsing¶
LL(1) Parsing¶
Top down parsers.
They push the start symbol on to the stack.
Replace non-terminal symbol on stack using grammar rules.
If top of stack matches input token, both are to be discarded, mismatch is a syntax error.
Simple Example¶
Demonstration of Parsing
LL(1) Parser¶
Parse Table¶
Table Construction¶
How to construct the parsing table if grammar is complex?
First Set Algorithm¶
Real World Example
stmt -> if-stmt | other
if-stmt -> if (exp) stmt else part
else-part -> else stmt | e
exp -> 0 | 1
First(stmt) = {other} U First(if-stmt) = {other, if}
First(if-stmt) = {if}
First(else-part) = {else, :math:`\epsilon`}
First(exp) = {0, 1}
First Set Example¶
E ->
T ->
X -> e, +
Y -> e, *
int ->
* -> *
+ -> +
) -> )
( -> (
First Set Quiz 2¶
E -> a, b, e, *, +
E' -> e, +
T -> a, b, e, *
T' -> e, *
F -> a, b
Follow Sets¶
Follow sets of A is those symbols which will follow after A and is used to determined if a rule such as A -> e should be invoked to remove the A to expose the tokens that follow A for matching them.
Follow Sets Part 3¶
stmt -> if-stmt | other
if-stmt -> if (exp) stmt else-part
else-part -> else stmt | :math:`\epsilon`
exp -> 0 | 1
Follow(exp) = { ) }
Follow(else-part) = Follow(if-stmt) = Follow(stmt)
Follow(stmt) = {$} U First(else-part) - {\(\epsilon\)} U Follow(if-stmt) = {$, else}
Follow Set Quiz¶
Given the following grammar, determine the follow sets:
http://smlweb.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/start.html - Viewing statistics of a grammar.
http://jflap.org/ - JFLAP is a package of graphical tools which can be used as an aid in learning the basic concepts of Formal Languages and Automata Theory.